Budget FAQ

Budget FAQ

You must fill out a Request for Delayed Compensation Form, with required signatures, and email to budget@controller.msstate.edu .

If the form is received before the day departments key time , the budget office will reactivate the employee. The department should enter the hours due to the employee.

If the form is received before 4 p.m. on the day departments key time , the budget office will reactivate the employee and notify the department when they can enter the hours due to the employee.

If the form is received after 4 p.m. on the day departments key time , the budget office will reactivate the employee for the next pay period. The department should enter the hours due to the employee on the next payroll.

If an issue occurs, and the payroll process has to be extended, the form will be due one hour before the payroll system is locked.

Request for Delayed Compensation Form

Yes, hold termination EAFs on Student Workers and Intermittent Employees until all hours have been paid to the employee. 

You need to list NEW in the Position # & Suffix column on the Employment Action Form.  Once the form is received, the Budget Office will contact you with the new number.

Take the annual amount that you want to be paid by a specific fund and divide that by the total annual salary.  The percentage should ALWAYS be carried out two decimal places. For example, 77.58% instead of 78.00%. The percentages should always total 100%.

Job Labor Redistribution Form

For fund 100000, you can check the balance by going to FGIBDST.  Enter your org., fund, and in the location field enter P0(zero) and 4 digit position number.  For example, P01234.

For funds 10, 11, 12, 16, 17, 18, and 19 you can run NWRDLSR – Lapsed Salary Report. 
This report is updated monthly and can be run the day after the month closes. 

Email a copy of the Employment Action Form to the Budget Office at budget@controller.msstate.edu

Yes, you can see the position numbers by going to NBIPORG.

Yes, you can view this information by going to NBIPINC.  You need to enter a six digit position number which starts with 00 (zero) and the four digit position number.  For example:  001234.  Change the query date to the last day of the fiscal year. 

No, you need to complete a separate form for each fiscal year.